Mission of the Fraud.org Forum
The mission of the Fraud.org Forum is to create opportunities for stakeholders in the fight against fraud, to share expertise and research leading to greater consumer anti-fraud resiliency and better consumer protection laws, regulations, and businesses practices.
Fraud.org Forum
The Fraud.org Forum builds upon the National Consumers League’s Alliance Against Fraud, which for more than two decades served as a convening body of advocates in the anti-fraud space. The Fraud.org Forum continues the Alliance’s success, and updates its work to reflect the evolving threat of modern, technology-driven frauds and scams.
Model of the Fraud.org Forum
The Fraud.org Forum is a membership-based organization coordinated by the National Consumers League, composed of stakeholders from industry, advocacy organizations, and government. Members’ financial and in-kind support of the Forum enables opportunities for networking and knowledge-sharing among stakeholders in the anti-fraud community.

Benefits of
Fraud.org Forum Membership
- Invitations to twice-yearly meetings featuring influential speakers in the anti-fraud community and opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing among Forum members.
- Opportunities to contribute to a quarterly members-only e-newsletter where Forum members can highlight activities, research, and other anti-fraud initiatives their organizations are engaged in.
- Organizational name and logo recognized on Fraud.org Forum landing page on NCL’s Fraud.org web page and associated collateral.
- Access to an NCL-maintained directory of stakeholders (academics, government leaders, advocates) in the anti-fraud community.