About Us
Fraud.org is a project of
The National Consumers League.
(202) 835-3323
1701 K St NW
Suite 1200,
Washington, DC 20006
© Copyright 2025. All rights reserved.
Every year, American consumers lose an estimated $50 billion to fraud! We need your help! Consumers like you can help us by reporting suspicious activity using our secure online complaint form.
Sign up for our monthly fraud alerts and help protect your family and friends from scams by spreading the word. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
Your financial support helps strengthen our ability to fight fraud, warn the public about new schemes and trends, and work with law enforcement to bust the bad guys.
The National Consumers League maintains a Fraud Alert System (FAS) for the benefit of accredited law enforcement agencies. The FAS is designed to automatically forward complaints received by Fraud.org that meet certain criteria to the proper investigative agency. The FAS is used by more than 90 federal, state, local and international law enforcement agencies. For more information on becoming a FAS member, please contact the National Consumers League by phone at (202) 835-3323 or by email at info@nclnet.org.
Join NCL’s Fraud.org Forum
For more than 20 years, the National Consumers League has coordinated the Fraud.org Forum, formerly known as the Alliance Against Fraud, convening organizations from government, law enforcement, labor, consumer advocacy, and business around the common goal of addressing the growth of fraud. Forum members are commited to combating fraud by educating themselves, their members, customers, clients, and constituents. By helping consumers recognize the danger signs and avoiding fraud, Forum members can promote more confidence in transacting by telephone and online.
Benefits of joining Fraud.org Forum
Membership Fees
Membership fees help defray the costs of managing the Forum and maintaining Fraud.org. To learn more about the benefits of Fraud.org Forum membership, call the National Consumers League at (202) 835-3323 or email tobiasm@nclnet.org
Fraud.org is a project of
The National Consumers League.
(202) 835-3323
1701 K St NW
Suite 1200,
Washington, DC 20006
© Copyright 2025. All rights reserved.