Fake Rx Action Center
Get the important, life-saving info you need to protect yourself, and your loved ones, from counterfeit drugs.
Counterfeit drugs are on the market today—causing harm and even death.
The National Consumers League has been fighting for the safety of consumers for 120 years. Too many frauds are putting consumers’ lives at risk.
Here are the tools to protect yourself from fake drugs and illegal online pharmacies.
Stop fake medicine and the criminals who sell them by reporting any counterfeit drugs you may have received or have seen advertised!
Let’s stop these fraudulent medications from harming anyone else.
Download our infographic (above right) to share with others.
Want to help raise awareness about counterfeit drugs? Learn more about the issue and how you can get involved.
Thanks to our partners for providing support for this content.
Report any suspicious drugs you have received or seen advertised